Avantgarde Acoustic have now confirmed the first batch of,
UNO SD/DUO SD/DUO GT will be produced late in December for January shipping. The best we will see is now March 2023 here in Australia.
From the extensive list horn colour options , only 5 will be available before March 2023. This series features a High Gloss Black cabinet now as standard which on previous series was a $5,500 to $6,500 option. This Series unlike any prior, requires a couple of options to be selected. The selection: either the Passive Cap Frequency Crossover $3,300 inc GST to run with conventional Amps Or
The New Itron Current Drive amplifier $16,000 factory fitted option.
If you do choose to order with the Passive Cap Frequency Crossover, you could order The Itron in from us at a later date which will be made to suit the specific model.
Other Options are more Trim and Colours and if a White High Gloss Cabinet is the preference, this is available as a $6,500 inc GST option.
Below is a sneak peak at what is soon to come. Note pre-production model pictured.
Please, if you have not ordered or you were considering, contact us now as the Price list effective Jan 1, 2023 is up++.
