It was great to introduce to the Sydney Audio Club the new products from Innuos, Merason, LAB12 and and Piega. Thank you for your warm welcome as always and great to catch up again.
The New Pulse Mini performed effortlessly via Qobuz, not a glitch, not a pause, just simply great music and it poured lovingly into the Merason DAC and it was so great to hear the positives in the crowd of this little audio duo.
As expected , the LAB 12 was the muscle of the day powering the passive PIEGA and yes, these little stand-mount speakers, all $4,990 of the pair filled this massive room. John, thank you and the crew in the set up and pack up, it was most appreciated. We are booked in for for next years Christmas Party in November so let's see you all again if not before.